• Name
    Olivia C
  • Job Title and Employer
    Senior ACA Trainee
  • Employer
    Moore Kingston Smith
  • Provider
    Kaplan Skills and Employment
  • Levels
    Level 7 (Higher or Professional) Apprenticeship
  • Training Provider and Qualification
    Kaplan - Level 7 Accountancy
  • Occupations
    Business and finance
  • Apprenticeship Start Date
    Mar 2022
  • Skills Gained
    Organisational Time Management Leadership Communication Flexbility
  • What are your interests outside of work?
    In my free time I like going to the gym, playing tennis as well as traveling and reading.
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Hello, I Am Olivia C

I am Senior ACA Trainee working in the general practise department, mainly focusing on the financial services and Technology clients.

Tell us more about your experience

Describe your job and what you do on a day-to-day basis

I am Senior ACA Trainee working in the general practise department, mainly focusing on the financial services and Technology clients. On a day to day basis I am working on various clients, along with assisting junior members of the team with the queries, while at the same time dealing with the client and having a daily interaction. I make sure that I have daily catch ups with my audit team as well as with my manager to be able to track the progresses.

Why did you decide to do an Apprenticeship?

Choosing to pursue an apprentice ACA (Associate Chartered Accountant) qualification is a significant decision that can be driven by a variety of personal and professional reasons. Here are some common motivations and benefits associated with this path: 

Career Development 

1. Professional Qualification: The ACA qualification is highly respected and recognized globally, opening doors to a wide range of career opportunities in accounting, finance, and business. 

2. Skill Development: The ACA apprenticeship provides comprehensive training in key areas such as financial accounting, management accounting, taxation, audit, and financial management. 

3. Practical Experience: Apprenticeships combine theoretical learning with practical, on-the-job experience, allowing you to apply what you learn in real-world scenarios.

Learning Style 

1. Hands-On Learning: If you prefer learning by doing, an apprenticeship offers a practical approach to gaining the ACA qualification. 

2. Mentorship: Working in a professional environment provides access to mentors and experienced colleagues who can offer guidance and support.

Career Opportunities 

1. Networking: Apprenticeships provide opportunities to build a professional network early in your career, which can be beneficial for future job opportunities and career advancement. 

2. Industry Exposure: Gaining experience in a professional setting helps you understand the industry and its requirements better, making you a more attractive candidate to future employers. 

Personal Growth 

1. Confidence Building: Real-world experience helps build confidence in your abilities and decision-making skills. 

2. Time Management: Balancing work and study helps develop strong time management and organizational skills. 

Flexibility and Options 

1. Diverse Roles: The ACA qualification is versatile, allowing you to work in various roles such as audit, tax, advisory, and financial management. 

2. Global Mobility: With the ACA being recognized internationally, it provides opportunities to work abroad. 

Long-Term Benefits 

1. Career Progression: ACA-qualified professionals often progress faster in their careers and can move into senior roles such as CFO or partner in accounting firms.

2. Job Security: The skills and knowledge gained through the ACA are in high demand, providing good job security. Choosing to pursue an apprentice ACA can be a strategic move that aligns with your career goals, financial situation, learning style, and personal aspirations.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?

The highlight of my career so far has been the ability to lead clients and jobs on my own while at the same time studying towards finalizing my ACA examinations.

What has been the biggest challenge of your career so far?

My biggest challenge in my career so far has been the ability to balance work life with studying and being able to be disciplined with my time management to be able to be efficient with both my work load as well as succeeding in my examinations.

What sort of support network do you have at your company?

The support network is my training manager, my partner as well as the early talent team in my company

What will happen at the end of your apprenticeship? Have you discussed this with your employer?

Hopefully the plan is to remain within the firm and take on supervisor role within the firm.

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